Saturday, July 24, 2010

What is the quickest way to get rid of pimples?

Tomorrow is spring pictures day and i have a pimple how do i get rid of it and FAST!What is the quickest way to get rid of pimples?
the overall approach is good diet, but you can also buy some aloe vera plants, and apply some of it to your face every night along with vitamin e oil and it'll nourish your skin very deeply. pimples come from a mixture of causes- hormones at the teen years, diet, stress, balah blah blah, if you cut out the chocolate and cut down on red meat, increase your raw veggie intake and do the aloe/vit.e thing, you will see some improvement. but ya know what? you're still beautiful, no matter what.What is the quickest way to get rid of pimples?
Try a dab of honey, and cover it with a bandage, works almost overnight. Report Abuse

try the answer down belowVVVV

I did it and it worked! Report Abuse

Get a warm, soapy wash cloth (antibacterial, but not something harsh) and rub in circular motions on the pimple; the pimple will bleed, but just leave the soap on until it dries and then wash it off. Don't smother it for the rest of the day with anything like makeup. I know it sound abrasive, but if you pop it, the pimple will leave pok mark, and those are obvious and gross. This sounded too harsh to me, but my grandmother's skin is flawless and she has done this ever since she was a teenager.
Keep it clean. Don't squeeze it. Put make up on it right before the pictures but take it off right after. Don't put any silly crap on it. Just keep it clean and it will heal on its own after a couple days.
There is probably no way to get rid of a pimple in one day. What you could do is to keep it real CLEAN, AND DON'T SQUEEZE IT! Just before you head out for your pictures, put a little bit of concealer, but don't put a cake of it on there either.
don,t touch them no matter how much it itches and use STILLMENS CREAM at night before sleeping it will make you fair also
DO NOT squeeze, pop, poke, or touch it AT ALL. use something with benzoyl peroxide or salycic acid, such as neutrogena oil free acne wash. That works well. Also, if you really want it to be speedy put some toothpaste on it, and the baking soda will help. or a crushed aspirin, mixed with water to make a paste. DONT IRRITATE IT MORE OR TOUCH IT!!!
If it has redness it usually works to use ice to make the redness and pressure dramatically lessen,(at least try it) try also a light cleasnser then put a light moisturizer on it or all over , i use velocity by mary kay works well
Eat veggies

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