Thursday, July 22, 2010

How do you get rid of stubborn acne and pimples?

I've had these skin problems for years, used everything possible, but still cant get rid of them.How do you get rid of stubborn acne and pimples?
go see a dermatologistHow do you get rid of stubborn acne and pimples?
Sometimes the products that you use can be causing the problem. There are a group of oils used in moisturizing and makeup that can make things worse.

Here is a web site that discusses that.

After trying topicals, antibiotics, retin-A, my son eventually had to take accutane, which is VERY expensive, and should NEVER be used by a female able to become pregnant, but 3 months of this, and his skin permanently became clear. Not all dermatologists are willing to prescribe accutane, due to the strict testing, liability, and record-keeping requirements.
Proactiv. They usually have a introductory offer going on.
See a dermatologist.
Try PROACTIVE...I use it. It actually works.

I tried what the dermatologists gave me, but the pill upset my tummy and the creams dry your face. My cousin had a worse experience with the pill...he was temporarily BLIND.
I would get a doctors opinion before I would go buy something that I never used before that was always my mistake and I always broke out worse than what the outbreak was in the beginning.
ask the doctor, he'll give you good medication and cream which will get rid of them
Put toothpaste on them.
You should see a dermatologist. You may need something stronger like accutane. She will probably try different things like oral antibiotics and different creams before prescribing accutane, unless your acne is severe. Also, make sure you are not overcleansing your skin. Only wash your face twice a day. Overcleansing is just as bad as not washing your face at all. And use noncomeogenic makeup and sunscreen. It won't clog your pores. Good luck!
i would go to the doctors my mum used to say try using witch hazel never tried it though so dont know if it works or not
You can always put toothpaste on it because toothpaste contains baking soda which absorbs oil that helps the acne. I suggest you should take the proper medicine(even if you don't need to go to the doctor) and wash your face at least two(2) times a day.
I would recommend going to see a medical herbalist. Make sure they are properly qualified though and look out for student training clinics near you as they will be a lot cheaper and you know that the herbalists supervising are experienced. Look herbalists up in the phone book or contact the National Institute of Medical Herbalists .They have a website.
Well of course, wash face with soap and water at least once a day, use Clearasil and scrub on stridex pads.

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