Saturday, July 24, 2010

What can a dermatologist do to get rid of pimples?

I've tried everything to get rid of my pimples but I still break out about once a month. Could going to a dermatologist help?What can a dermatologist do to get rid of pimples?
I'll answer your question with a question, if that's okay.

Do you think seeing a dermatologist could hurt you?

If you don't... well, neither do I.

(As for what a dermatologist can do for you: they

can prescribe something you might not be familiar


Best of health %26amp; good luck.What can a dermatologist do to get rid of pimples?
He can give you a prescription to a high dosage of hydro cortisone, that should knock out your acne. I would highly recommend seeing one.
prescribe u something
I've answered several Acne questions on here. It's sad to see so many people having the same hormone related problems. I tried Proactiv, it made my skin break out worse because of my sensitive skin. I had acne through puberty and an additional 10 years after - which I later discovered was hormone related. I had been to a few dermatologists but they just wanted to dry my skin up to the point it was flakey all the time or red with rashes. I did a lot of online research and tested many many products of my own, I can tell you that there is no pill or cream out there that you can use overnight or for a week and it will forever get rid of your outbreaks.

I finally discovered something that I believe has not been widely publicized because no company can patent it and make lots and lots of money off of people like you and me. It's called Pantothenic Acid - a fancy name for Vitamin B5. Go ahead and Google will see a lot of references to curing acne. I was skeptical as with everything, but my skin has never been so soft and clear since I was probably 12 (I'm 26 now).

The one thing you have to remember when taking this vitamin supplement is that you must take it in high doses. You can buy it at any vitamin store, but only buy it in 1000mg (1gm) per pill strength. I found it online the cheapest.

To start, the recommended program starts you out with 3-5 grams a day for about 5 days. This helps your body get acclimated to the vitamin. You should start to notice a difference after 2 or 3 days, smaller pours, healed blemishes, and I even noticed increased energy. After 5 days increase your dosage to 10 grams a day. I know it sounds like a lot, to take 10 pills a day, but think about how much you want clear skin and that should get you past it. The recommended program has you taking 10 grams for 3 months before backing off to 3-5 for maintenance. I actually only took 10 grams for a month and now am just maintaining with 5-6 grams a day and its working just fine. I did miss a day of pills and immediately started to breakout again so this is one of those things you must be faithful with.

Expect to shell out about $25 a month on 1000mg Pantothenic Acid. A small, small price to pay when you think of all the money wasted on the products out there.

There are very little negative side effects. The only thing I would recommend is to take 3 pills with each meal, and one with a snack, otherwise you may get a little gas or slight diahrea. Nothing major though and by taking with meals it eliminates that problem.

If I help just one person with this recommendation, writing this would have been more than worth it. I know how frustrating it is to have acne, but it doesn't have to be for any one else out there who trys this simple yet effective treatment.
I went to see the dermatologist and he did prescribe me some medication. I take it every day once a day and I don't break out anymore. It's great. I hardly wear any make-up anymore either.
Yes they could help - depending on the severity they will perscribe creams, face washes or pills to help. Definitely worth a try.

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