Monday, November 21, 2011

How can i get rid of pimples AND blackheads?

I hate blackheads and pimples hurt so much. I only want home remedies because everything else doesn't work, or it's too expensive. So ONLY home remedies for no pimples and no blackheads. Thanks!How can i get rid of pimples AND blackheads?
mix baking soda and salt with a little water to form a paste, gently scrub your face, leaving some of the paste on your face, then splash a little apple cider vinegar onto your face. The salt will gently exfolliate your face, the baking soda softens the effect of the salt drying out your skin too much and adding the vinegar will make the soda foam up lifting the blackheads out of your pores. Only do this about once a week as it can be harsh to your skin to do so more often. For a daily face scrub mix 1 cup oatmeal, 1 cup powdered milk and 1 tablespoon salt in a blender and blend until it is a fine powder, mix with a little water to form and paste and wash your face with this daily. You will like the results.How can i get rid of pimples AND blackheads?
Here are some of the easy remedies you can make:

鈥?Mix unboiled milk and ground nutmeg then apply on pimples. Leave for one or two hours.

鈥?Make a paste by mixing cinnamon powder and honey. Put this on pimples before you to bed and wash it off the next morning. Use warm water for rinsing.

鈥?Create an anti-pimple mixture for normal skin by combining one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Do not use this if you have sensitive skin.

鈥?Grind a few pieces of orange peel in water. Apply this on face to dry out pimples.

鈥?Mix one tablespoon of lime juice with one tablespoon of groundnut oil. This mixture is effective in preventing blackheads.

鈥?If you have red and swelling pimples in your face, apply the juice of raw papaya on skin to lessen the swelling.

鈥?Mix rose water with sandalwood and apply on blackheads and pimples. Rinse it off after 20 to 30 minutes.
The aspirin mask my friend, works wonders.

Take a few uncoated aspirin and add only a tiny bit of water, you want a grainy feel to it, like a scrub. Then add a few drops of honey. You don't have it but it will make it smell better, plus honey is good for you. Rub it on your face - AVOID the areas under your eyes, you know the soft skin? That's really sensitive and this mask will hurt it.

Rub it in good, leave on for a few seconds then wash it off with warm water. i suggest you look up a few other home remedies or organic products you can use on your face.

EDIT - The person a few spots above me said eggs, yes they do work so does the yoke for that matter. You need to separate them though and do the egg white first, beat until foamy then rub on your face. As soon as it feels 'tight' wash it off. With the yoke you only need to use a little bit, put it on your face then it it feels 'tight' wash it off. I'm not sure how this works because I'm vegan and I refuse to use an egg on my face.

Also common sense tells you not to mess with you zits and blackheads. You might feel like popping them or squeezing them but don't. It'll leave a scar and make it worse.
For those big hurting pimples i do this:

1) I put a hot rag on it to bring it to the bacteria to the top %26amp; wash your face.

2) I put a spoon in the freezer for a little bit and put that on it ( i know it sounds wierd but it will lower the swelling just like a bruise)

for blackheads im not really sure cause you want hime remedies so i dont know.
well i know how you feel well i tried this product its called seba no more it works really good it works within a week its kinda hard to find but its under 7.00 and it really works on pimples and blackheads umm if u dont want ot go out and but anything try a face mask made out of milk honey and oatmeal i also tried that but it takes longer to work hope i helped:p
Calamine lotion - works for the white ones... not much you can do about blackheads but pop them (which some people will argue isn't the best idea)

If you're really acne prone make sure to wash your face twice a day and use an alcohol based astringent if your skin isn't too sensitive. Always use a moisturizer that's oil free and meant for your face (if you need it).
I heard that you can crack a few eggs and take JUST the egg whites and put that on ur face like a mask....ummm I also heard honey works really well too. To get blackheads you just have to get a hot towel and hold it to your face and the blackheads rise up and disappear.
If you want home remedies to fix this stuff, you'll be waiting a long time.

The only home remedy that has ever worked for me is Fresh squeezed lemon juice on the face, it works as a home salicylic acid on the face, just harsher.
Bite your nails so that they're crooked and rough. The next day in the shower wash your hand and finger nails and scrape off the blackheads! For acne don't use soaps and things, they just give you more later. Try cucumber mango paste, or a cocoa powder , flour, and water paste.
i read once that if you hold a warm wet cloth to your face it well help raise blackheads to the surface and help heal faster.. also if you have a long lasting mark from a pimple putting milk on is supposed to really help
WASH YOUR FACE EVERYDAY! it really help to keep your poors clean. and if you need to find a good face cream that suites your type of skin! good luck :)
ok honestly i use the equate acne wash in a pump bottle and its orange color and it works great and it no more than 2 maybe three bucks high balling it
i don't know go to
i'm not sure but avoid...

a lot of junk food

chocolate (i'm not sure if dark is ok)

and maybe salty foods
mix baking soda and water together till its a paste and then put it on infected areas
what about proactive?
home remedies? wtf?

just dont eat junk food..( low fat foods)

and take care of ur hygiene

How do I get rid of pimples and acne in a day or night?

I have to go to a wedding and i have school and i woke up one morning with this thing on my face! no! how do i get rid of it?How do I get rid of pimples and acne in a day or night?
Amelia S

First wash your face with mild soap- You see with acne cleanliness should be given the first priority always. The cleaner your skin remains the faster you will get rid of acne.

Try this- Well one thing which always gets rid of acne within a night is toothpaste. Yes that's right toothpaste. You can apply toothpaste in the infected area before you go to bed and leave it on till the morning. Wash your face off with luke warm water in the morning and you would see instant changes with your acne condition. Even if it hasn't completely disappeared it would become very less visible.

Be careful- A word of caution would be not to try this if you have a real sensitive skin. And also make sure that you don't apply toothpaste to your entire face as that might cause severe irritation and redness all over your face therefore make sure you only apply it in the infected area. Also make sure that you don't apply a tooth paste gel only use a tooth paste specially a while kind. Another thing about the toothpaste remedy is that it's not permanent and the results might not last that long.

For more information on acne cure visit

Here you will find a lot of remedies.How do I get rid of pimples and acne in a day or night?
Try to use orange peel : apply it on affected areas.

Apply lemon juice on affected areas

Use fenugreek leaves

good luck
You can go to the dermatologist and get an injection in the pimple, which works for some. Over the counter, Boo Boo Zap works well for me.
toothpaste over night works; dries them up;

try Clean and Clear Persa Gel 10


AcneFree Terminator

the second one works the best though

you can also try garlic and rub that on the zit

answer my acne%26amp;scar question
how old are you exactly. im 12 and i have them everyyyy where on my face. if ur like in ur teens/preteens then get use to it. try some acne medication.

How can you get rid of pimples fast?

I have already tried products like Neutrogena and Cetaphil. I have also tried some medicines and those have not worked either. i need help!How can you get rid of pimples fast?
Try an astringent. That dries out pimples and clears away dirt under your skin. If all else fails see a dermatologist b/c obviously over the counters aren't working for you....they can offer some prescription options.How can you get rid of pimples fast?
I would try a egg mask to help it be more smoother and nicer..鈥?/a>

Then try some pore strips on the nose , wash your face with hot water then put acne mostiurizer or fast quick stuff then ice your pores to get rid of the acne around your nose..

Try washing your face alot and don't touch your face
go to a deratologist and ask about acutane. its the best thing i ever did! It is a pill. U take it for 6 months. The acne gets worse before it gets better but then you will never have acne or redness again! i as well as several of my friends have taken it and it works wonders!!! i highly highly recomend it!!!
For a quick fix you can place a warm wet tea bag over the area or a cotton ball dipped in lemon juice (don't use lemon juice if you have a sensitive skin). Check out for more info and home remedies.
zenos work pretty good. but they're expensive!

i tried proactiv didn't work for me. but then i used murad and it worked. so whatever works better for you.

acne goes away with age. just wait.

Zap It ( try this one first)


I found this website that might suitable for you

Uh-oh, what'd I do to my pimple?

I was working on my computer and I was just touching my pimple and saw in the mirror it had a HUGE white dot on top of it, so I touched it once and the whtie dot just disappeared and some white stuff started coming out, then a little blood, then more white stuff. Did I just pop my pimple?! Am I going to get a scar? I didn't mean to pop it!!Uh-oh, what'd I do to my pimple?
No you might have a mark for a few days but it will go away eventually. Also dint worry you weren't doing anything like squeezing it so its not that irritated already so it will heal faster.Uh-oh, what'd I do to my pimple?
you popped it. it will most likely go away and be just like new!! but it might scar...
yes u did pop ur not going to scar

promise u
yeah you popped it, don't worry, i did that a few days ago and i kinda popped my friend's... the scar will go away eventaully don't worry.
damn......either ur really....*really* bored and had to ask this for the hell of it.......or you should now be ashamed of youself....
yes you did

dont worry you will not get a scar

that is the only way to get rid of pimples

besides drying them out with

a drying cream like clean and clear persa gel 10

thats what I use and it works

you can get it from wallmart or target
its fine to pop it, and no you dont always get scars when you pop them, thats a lie. youll be fine its ok. and btw if their that big, you need to pop it.

How can i get rid of pimples quickly?

i have 3..

they are starting to heal up a bit already..but i would like it gone within like 12 hours.

is there a way using stuff i might have at home?How can i get rid of pimples quickly?
i had this problem just last week! Yeah toothpaste is OK, but sometimes a bit harsh, lemon juice dries out pimples really well, once its dried out and the infection is gone, use aloe Vera gel to heal the scab. Works every time!How can i get rid of pimples quickly?
Toothpaste works for me but also try using eye drops. That helps with the redness. Something else that sometimes works better than toothpaste is using an acne control scrub for your face that contains salicylic acid in it. It's much cheaper than an acne treatment but it works on the pimples.
You can use tea tree oil on it. It's all natural and feels fresh and tingly on your face, too.

Or dot on a paste of equal parts baking soda and water and leave it on overnight.
You can crush 1to 2 Aspirin tablets mix with a little water and apply on pimples for 15 minutes and wash. More such solutions at
toothpaste. no joke. i did it the day before my prom and left it on over night. it was gone in the morning.

try putting toothpaste on it overnight

also try getting some ice and rub it on the spot
i don't think so just try to drink a lot of water and eat healthy and stay healthy and just don't worry about it
  • chapped lips
  • How do you get rid of Pimples and blackheads?

    I have tons of pimples on my forehead and lots of blackheads on my nose. It's really annoying, especially when you wear a headband, then everyone can see the pimples and blackheads. How do you prevent them, and get rid of them?How do you get rid of Pimples and blackheads?
    Stop eating sugar (no sugar substitutes either). Seriously, it works. Drink lots and lots of water. Eat lots of raw fruits and veggies. Good luck.How do you get rid of Pimples and blackheads?
    Try St.Ives Apricot Scrub or any scrub thats apricot with the one that prevents blemish and blackheads. Or try using clearasil ultra either the creams or the pads that wipe your face. Other tips eat healthy foods, dont cover your face too much when your in heat that means more pimples will occur, %26amp; wash twice a day and only twice for the night and morning.
    Tips to remove blackheads

    wash ur face with tea tree oil every night before bed, then put sorbeline cream on to keep ur skin moist.

    Honesltly which pimple skin cream product works?

    i mean i hear all of them and which one is actually true so i know what my money is worth using i mean i here all of this


    clean and clear

    acne levelsHonesltly which pimple skin cream product works?
    Unfortunetlly, no 'pimple creams' actually work very well. They can help but most won't get rid of pimples straight away as they say on commercials.

    Just make sure to have daily showers. Also, using creams to much can actually dry out your skin and make it worse.Honesltly which pimple skin cream product works?
    Skin care is not something you should take lightly! I would recommend contacting your local Mary Kay representative as she can give you a personal consultation to help you determine an appropriate product for your skin type %26amp; age. Also, since you are wanting to save money, you will be interested to know that Mary Kay has a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. So if you are not satisfied with the products, you may return them (even used) for your money back, or to exchange them for another product that you will enjoy! No other skin care company can offer this kind of personal service or guarantee!

    You may check out my website:

    to check out the products, but ultimately, you need to have a personal consultation to get the products that are right for you.
    any product that contains benzoyl peroxide,ive got a bad acne before but now,its spotless!

    What do i do if i have a pimple on my butt

    A fantastic way of getting rid of pimples on any part of your body, is by using Toothpaste, not the gel ones as they don't work, try it out and let me know, how you go, as I have been using it for awhile and they go within hours or overnight, also great for blind pimples as it reduces them quickly. Give it a go now!!!!!What do i do if i have a pimple on my butt
    Oooh tricky situation here - and glad you're not too embarrassed to ask for help!


    As mentioned, a little neat PURE Tea tree oil on a cotton ball and dabbed on the area might help clear it up.

    Try not to burst it as it'll hurt like hell and may become infected.

    GENTLY exfoliating with a loofah or some exfoliating gloves while you're in the shower might help too as the steam will help soften it a little.

    Hope you're all 'cleared up' soon

    :-)What do i do if i have a pimple on my butt
    What the skin needs is a product that clears pores and kills bacteria, thus preventing hair follicles from clogging and turning into pimples. This is what you should be looking for if you want to get rid of those ugly pimples.

    Before trying any treatment, I suggest you read this informational source that listed the most effective acne treatments available:鈥?/a>


    I'm so sorry. Butt acne is what I wish for people I don't like cause it sucks to get it and hard to get rid of. Use a facial soap on your but and try not to pick (ewww, that sounded bad)

    Good luck
    u should cry cuz thats really gross

    but after you're done sobbing juss wash with soap when in the shower on ya *** DUH~!!
    Don't sit down...


    pop it!
    pop it!
    hahaha those suck. especially when u sit on them wrong...

    well man u just gotta leave it alone, keep it clean and it will go away.
    umm leave it alone and dont tlk about it on yahoo...

    ppl will think ur wierd
    umm. just leave it. it should heal or put some tea tree oil on it to dry it up! Good Luck!!

    Some good pimple creams?

    My skin is really sensitive and i want a good pimple cream.

    I'm allergic to ProActiv and Clearasil, any suggestions?

    thx.Some good pimple creams?
    Go to your dermatologist he can give you a good regimine.Some good pimple creams?
    Try neutrogena super pimples remover with no heaxguaiela and built in with spf 80, approved by world famous dermatologist.

    Just messin aroun, just try Neutrogena product.

    How to keep skin clean without pimples ?

    I try wash my face right when I get home and before going to sleep. I dont use any cream. I guess it doesn work really well.How to keep skin clean without pimples ?
    wash your face with clean and clear face wash from Johnson and Johnson

    apply clean and clear moisturiser from Johnson and Johnson

    apply some lac to calamine when you go out.

    if still it doesn't improve take antibiotic treatment from doctor.How to keep skin clean without pimples ?
    If you're a teenager, sorry. I am one too, and acne is inevitable. I know you've probably heard this a lot, but ask your mom/dad to go to the doctor. Even though it may seem embarrasing, it will really help you in the long run You'll be glad you did it.

    As far as face wash goes, try ProActiv or Acne Free. Acnee Free works for me- I get very few zits
    use lucas paw paw ointment. It works wonders on skin. Try it out. Put it on before bed. In the morning, wash your face with hot water and a light acne scrub. Then splash cold water on your face, very cold water, to close your pores. Repeat every day and you will have the best skin around.
    Hi =] I had very problem skin when I was younger (maybe a year ago?) and I have found that Garnier Pure Wipes are the ONLY thing that effectively and continuously give me clear skin.

    The more you touch your face (washing it, applying moisturisers and toners etc) the more bacteria you are spreading on your skin, especially if you already have blemishes, they become infected, red and unsightly.

    The wipes mean you aren鈥檛 touching your skin at all, hence breaking the cycle.

    Hope this works, I know it did for me.
    theres a huge treatment plan for it.. Basically dont eat oily foods (Unless you're brown, in that case YOU'RE DOOMED!). Eat fruits and healthy stuff.. Wash your face with soap.. Use light shampoo, because the shampoo go through and make your face oily. oh and personally i've noticed that a little oil, mixed with tumeric, and eggs really helps your face dry up (as in it peels ur pimples off)..
    Every teenagers hidden secret:

    Mario is amazing. You won't regret buying from there. I suggest buying one of the acne kits and a moisturizer.

    Go take a look at the site, it does wonders for me.
    Well I wash my face with clearasil, and there is a certain clearasil that costs around 10 bucks called clearasil ultra I think, and it got rid of my zits/pimples pretty fast. (it says they get rid of them in 3 days,) You can probably find it at most stores.

    So maybe try including that after washing your face everyday.

    I guess proactive might work too, but it's more expensive. I tried it once and it puffed up my skin and made it red. I think I'm

    How can I get rid of pimples on my chin?

    I've been using AcneFree for about three months now and it has cleared up the rest of my face, except for my chin. I really can't seem to do anything to get rid of these pimples, even after using AcneFree on it multiple times. Does anyone have any suggestions as to good products, or etc? Thank you.

    By the way, I have pretty sensitive skin, so make sure the product doesn't contain too harsh of anything.How can I get rid of pimples on my chin?
    I'm gonna play my recording again

    Try going to the drugstore, pharmacy or health food store and buy some zinc tablets and take X 1 a day - does wonders for acne

    Betcha eat a diet deficient in the stuff - its common these days as our food grows in zinc deficient soils -so its not in our food as it should be How can I get rid of pimples on my chin?
    I would definitely suggest you try SWISS glutathione bar. Its actually a soap intended for skin lightening but it really works well against pimples and the marks they leave behind! it dries them out easily in just 2-3days. a lot of people buy it for that purpose even if they dont have to lighten their skin. check out

    Well, I have some in my t-zone area. And they fustrate me but they are going away with the neutrogena wave and the soap bar .

    But if you dont want to spend money then try this site:

  • chapped lips
  • How do you get rid of pimples without using creams?

    i have bad pipmples on my forehead and i use benzoyl peroxide but it doesn't help. i also drink plenty of water and eat fruits. i need tips to get rid of them quickly.How do you get rid of pimples without using creams?
    Pop them.How do you get rid of pimples without using creams?
    OK the bestest solution is

    Step 1: Get a towel and Pour Hot water on it and put some soap(any) on the towel as well and rub the towel all over your face (POUR HOT WATER ON THE TOWEL) (Not warm water and not cold)

    STEP 2: and then wash your face with cold water

    Step 3: Wash the towel with cold water .

    Step 4: And then pour HOT water on it and put it on your pimples till the towel gets back cold.

    Step 5: after the warmness of the towel goes away,pour hot water on that Towel again and put it on your face till the warmness goes away from the towel

    Step 6 :POUR HOT WATER ON THE TOWEL FOR THE last time , and put it on your face till the warmness goes away.

    So means totally ( u need to repeat step 5 three times )

    How it Helps?

    It helps reduce redness and fade the pimples away

    You wil see the results after 2-3 weeks .

    Hope it helps
    Go to the tanning bed or lay out in the sun. That helps bad acne, my friend use to have it bad, the tanning thing helps alot!
    try toothpaste :D
    Cut down on dairy.

    What is the best facial mask to use often to get rid of pimples with about 3 ingredients?

    i am looking for homemade facial mask....preferably with few ingredients and to get rid of pimples.What is the best facial mask to use often to get rid of pimples with about 3 ingredients?
    Bananas. Honey. Rose Milk.What is the best facial mask to use often to get rid of pimples with about 3 ingredients?
    Get a sulfur mask.

    Why do i continue to grow pimples, when i still wash my face 2 times a day?

    It is pissing me off, and lowering my self esteem and confidence.Why do i continue to grow pimples, when i still wash my face 2 times a day?
    Do a few, purchase a soap bar that doesn't irritate your skin. Ask the pharmasist to assist you in choosing one that opens the pores, and absorbs the oils.

    Also, lay off the greasy foods for a while....chips, sodas, chocolates. All that grease needs to go it surfaces to the top it gets clogged and forms zits.

    Also, try not to pop the zits as it will tend to infect the area and make it worse. It even leaves permanent scars.

    And finally, if all else fails....go to a dermatologist and ask for the latest in prescribed medicine. There are some that contain the magic ingredient of Retin-A. This clears your skin for sure.

    But I say, really lay off the greasy foods for a while and drink a lot of water.Why do i continue to grow pimples, when i still wash my face 2 times a day?
    depends on what you are washing your face with. maybe you are overwashing it or touching your face too much.

    Drying a pimple overnight?

    I start school in four days, and I have a really noticeable pimple on the side of my nose. It shines and it really red.

    It is at the perfect spot and the perfect angle where I can't pop it, and it isn't really a big lump, but is wide.

    I want to use something to put on my pimple that will dry it over a night or two. What do you recommend(besides acne medication)?

    Also, after it dries out, what should I do with it?Drying a pimple overnight?
    The best thing to do is use plain old Neosporin or another kind of antibiotic cream. Pimples are infections and should be treated as such.

    If it is very swollen, use hemorrhoid cream like Preparation H to shrink the tissues.

    If it is very red, use Visine eyedrops to temporarily take the redness away.

    But do not use alcohol or peroxide on it. That will burn the skin and make it worse.Drying a pimple overnight?
    I know it sounds silly but toothpaste. Good luck.
    plain white colgate toothpaste

    dab a little bit on there and treat the pimple.

    you'll feel it, believe me
    crushed aspirin mixed with a little water will make the redness go away, crazy but it really does work
    I've always been told that toothpaste or hemmroid cream will dry it out and take the red away. Good Luck!

    Zit and pimple removal?

    I have acne on my face and back.

    and i've tried almost every product you can imagine!

    i have even gotten doctor's perscription but it doesnt work.

    what should i do?Zit and pimple removal?
    For the body acne

    1 Nuetrogena (that could be spelled wrong, but you get the idea) body wash.

    2. Exfoliate (use a loofa or something)

    3. Use oil free lotions

    4. Use shampoo for oily hair to help...some back acne is caused by oils from long hair

    For the facial acne

    1. Decrease stress

    2. Cut back on greasy foods and foods high in sugar

    3. Wash your face twice daily with 1. make-up remover, 2. wash, 3. exfoliant, 4. astringent, 5. oil free moisturizer

    4. Get oil free make-up... My acne decreases substantially when I stopped using foundation and just stuck to oil-free concealer and pressed powder.

    5. Don't pick at them. When you pick at them!!! the oil spreads causing new it can scar

    Another option is birth control. My cousin eventually went on birth control for her acne because nothing else would work. They concluded that her acne was being caused by hormones. You might want to give that a shot too.Zit and pimple removal?
    Move to acutane, I did and it works. It's the most ';hardcore'; perscription drugs available apparently, and It is crazy. Your face comes off over time, and it is annoying, but it works wonders for almost everybody. Bad reputation, worked great for me, check it out for yourself.
    when you try different products back to back it causes the acne to get worse. try going to saunas then sitting in a bath tub of cold water or a pool. or sit in a bath tub of hot water and put a hot towel over your face and when you get done get in cold water. the hot air and steem opens up and cleanse the pores while the cold water shuts them close.
    You say you have gotten a doctor's prescription. Do you mean that you have gone to a dermatologist for a full examination and treatment recommendation? Have you gone to someone for a second opinion? I had acne, and I tried EVERYTHING, except going to a dermatologist, thinking that I was saving my mom money. Once I had my own money, I went to a highly recommended dermatologist, and though it was expensive, the treatment prescribed worked. Some acne responds to OTC stuff or Rx's from others. Mine needed a very specific treatment. If you have been to a dermatologist and aren't satisfied, get a second or either third opinion. Stubborn acne won't be cured by cheapies, TV promotions, borrowed prescriptions, etc. Don't give up...prolonged acne causes scars and that's something you don't want! Good luck, sweetie...don't give up!
    get a facial
    You could try proactive but I would recommend Mary Kay 3-n 1. I am 27 yrs old and have had acne since I was about 13. (If you want a permenant cure see a Dr about a pill perscription)This is the only thing that has worked long term. A lot of other stuff works for a while but after 3 months or so nothing. I'm not a Mary kay lady I just love this stuff. Also, my friend is on TV and she swears by ';drying Potion'; by Sonya Sakar. She doesn't have acne though. Only the occasion pimple. For you I would address the entire issue then maybe keep something on hand for random moments.
    wash yo face and leave it!!!!!

    it u keep on usin will get more acne!!!!
    I was told by a doctor to use Witch Hazel, Moisturel, and Basis soap. I tried it and yes it did work, even after all the other things I have tried.
    I know this sounds weird, but try the Listerine mouth wash with Q-tips, it takes a while though.
    neutragena pimple and acne remover soap
    keep checking in with your doctor. eventualy, it should clear up. right now, it might not clear up because what you're eating could be affecting your skin. it could also be stress, so chill out :D

    How can i keep from getting pimples after i wax my lip?

    I used the moisterizing cloth right after i did it and i waxed after i got out of the shower so i was clean. What can i do to prevent getting pimples on my lip? Should i continue to put makeup on over it? thanks!How can i keep from getting pimples after i wax my lip?
    no no no no make up until at least 24 hours later!!! seriously!! it'll block the pores because their open after waxing.

    on 2nd thoughts ive just realised you probably mean make up way after, sorry lol. but preventions better than covering it up. idk sorry..cant you go to a pro? mind you i go to a pro and i still get a few and its annoying its almost as bad as the hair lol.

    sad times for us having to get our lip waxed..its not fair :( but the woman who does mine at the salon told me to try and avoid going out (this is for up to 24 hours after she waxes it) so im in less contact with spot-causing airborne bacteria, keep fingers away from lip and no make-up or even moisturiser there..literally nothing cuz anything blockes the pores. i realise this isn;t very helpful sorry but it;s the best i can think to advise you :\How can i keep from getting pimples after i wax my lip?
    some lotion might help
  • chapped lips
  • How do I get rid of pimples or Prevent them from happening?

    I have 3 pimples and they are develping and How do I get rid of them and prevent them from happening?How do I get rid of pimples or Prevent them from happening?
    Don鈥檛 pick, pop or squeeze, or otherwise mess with your skin. Squeezing blemishes or whiteheads can lead to infection or scarring. It almost always makes the acne you have worse.

    Wash your pillowcase often and always use clean face towels. Dirty towels and pillowcases can harbor bacteria and germs that can make acne worse.

    Be sure to pull your hair away from your skin when you sleep.

    Try to shower as soon as possible after your workout since sweat combined with skin oils can trap dirt and bacteria in your pores.

    Don鈥檛 go to bed with makeup on. It can clog your pores and lead to breakouts.

    Make sure to clean cosmetic brushes regularly in soapy water and throw out old, contaminated makeup.

    Use topical treatments, such as Nature's Cure Vanishing Cream, anywhere that you tend to get breakouts -- don't just spot-treat existing pimples. The pore-clogging process happens two to three weeks before any blemish becomes visible on the skin.

    How do I get rid of pimples or Prevent them from happening?
    What you should do is drink alot of water and i bought the wave and i used it for a week and it got rid of more than half of my pimples, like my whole forehead was full and now its just in the middle ontop of my nose. And i bought clean and clear lotion and you put it on your skin and it prevents pimples and its only $5. good luck!
    don't eat to much fat and when you sweat take a shower and wash your face every night with soap and water and if the soap and water isn't enough go to your doctor and they give you this kind of cream and then when you use soap on your face wash it off and then when your face gets dry use the cream on your pimples but don't use to much
    Ali M,

    The best way to treat pimples and prevent them from reoccurring is to treat them from the inside out.

    Give Acne Free in 3 Days a try (see link below). What you eat had a huge impact on your acne. The book also mentions foods you can eat to prevent pimples from occurring.

    Hope this helps.
    Buy face cream and use it. And then stop eating oily food and even fried food.

    Best whitehead pimple medication?

    I'm 24yrs old, and yet am still prone to occasional breakouts around the chin and mouth mostly... I get the red bumps that turn into white heads, or they'll just start out as a white head.... I've used many facial cleansers although nothing works great.... any suggestions from someone with similar skin issues? thanksBest whitehead pimple medication?
    i use Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash it really dries your skin of the oil. also (you might already know and are doing this but...) drink lots of water and watch what you eat- chocolates and greesy foods may cause breakouts.

    then make sure you use a toner -i used to not use one but the lady who does my makeup for special occasions told me to and i started to use toner and it helps.

    then use a good OIL-FREE moisturizer. i like Clean%26amp;Clear Advantage Acne Control. it's light and soft. most of these products have made me break out really bad but these actually dont.

    then use that same product but the Spot Treatment. on your acne(whiteheads) about 3times a day. it really heals.

    if this doesnt help then go to the dermatologist. sometimes you need a medicine (Acutane or Retin-A) to help the acne. sometimes it is caused from the inside out.

    i dont recommend Proactiv because it works for some people and not for others. also i have a friend who uses it and say she forgets to use it 1 day she will start breaking out everywhere (just bumps... no whiteheads, blackheads, etc.) and its a lot of money for something you dont even know will work. all the product above can be bought at a drugstore under $25. good luck!Best whitehead pimple medication?
    Clearasil. Put on a thin layer in problem areas at night. It will prevent more breakouts and minimize and clear current ones.
    proactive solutions!!
    Well have you tried the dead sea face skin peel. It is better then proactive because it goes through your skin proactiv only works on the top layer of your skin. Itis great and you only have to put it on once a week.
    ABREEVA!!!! This stuff costs like 16 bucks in the local might not prevent the pimples from coming up, but it does an awesome job in shortening the healing time and prevents it from spreading. If you catch it on day one you will keep that one away.
    any form of scrub with salicylic acid

    Ew. how can i get rid of a pimple?

    its like a small red bump right now

    i want it off by tommorrow

    is that possible??

    help thnx

    will give a best answer :]Ew. how can i get rid of a pimple?
    Aspirin contains Beta hydroxy acid which is a powerful defoliant ,so you can crush 1to 2 Aspirin tablets mix with a little water and apply on pimples for 15 minutes and wash. More such solutions at how can i get rid of a pimple?
    just pop lt
    Put a regular toothpaste on it over night, it will take down the redness, and putting ice on it for a few minutes will take down swelling, other than that, use cover up, There is NO SUCH THING as a magic way to make zits dissappear, but this is pretty darn close!

    turn on your sink to hot and when that's heating up get a bowl of ice right by the sink. By the way your going to need a towel and a wash cloth. Soak the wash cloth with steaming water and quickly put it against your face. Don't even bother ringing it out. Also leave the water running cause the transition between hot and cold has to be quick Immediately after grab a hand full of ice and press it on your face then repeat several times.
    Put some regular toothpaste on it. You could purchase the Zeno Acne Treatment Device but it's costly. I recommend using concealer tomorrow if it's not gone.

    How do you get rid of pimples by saturday?

    I need these pimples gone asap! Saturday is a big day for me and I cannot have acne.How do you get rid of pimples by saturday?
    First off, NEVER touch your face with your fingers!!

    There is sort of a new product out now and I am thrilled with it. If you pimples aren't too extreme, like chronic, this should help you be rid of them by Saturday.

    Nuetrogena Microderm Pads........They are a little expensive, but my face has never felt and look so clean. They already have soap in them, so if you follow the directions to a tee, you will get great and fast results!!! I use the smooth side first then scrub really good with the ';rough'; side.

    Good Luck!

    Let me know if they work for ya!!!How do you get rid of pimples by saturday?
    use a face mask every other day, dont touch your face, zero makeup go to a dermatoligist
    put some toothpast on it over night
    some guys get them because they jerk off alot, others because they eat greasy foods and junk food things like that......Drink a lot of water, it makes your skin soft, shower 2 times a day, and while you're there wash your face w/ soap, not too much though........when you go to bed don't let your face touch your pillow or anything else..................
    see a dr.
    Bag over your head.

    Face paint.



    It's have to remove them that fast.
    Try cortisone cream, I find that it helps dry them up then flake off
    tooth paste or solid deoderant
    I was experiencing Acne so I got a Deep Pore Facial at a local spa, They did extractions which is when they basically unplugg the pimple! Then she gave me a 10 min clay mask to close my pores. After that she gave me an all natural facial wash and moisterizer, and told me to I can use Bare Minerals all natural make-up until Im all clear...its so light you can sleep in it, and it covers everything, but looks anf feels natural! My skin looks 50% better and its only been 3 days
    Pimples are a huge stressor. A couple things you can do...Clearasol Pimple fighting cream is great for problem zits. Any clearasol or stride product is great for not only your skin, but they go deep down into pores. You might also want to try Neutrogena face wash for mornings and before bed. If you are serious about getting rid of the pimples, wash your face at least four times a day. And, for the future, one of the best products is ProActive (though it doesn't work on everyone). Good luck!
    Toothpaste has fluoride in it. It can actually make it worse.

    You need to use warm compresses to bring the blockage to a head so it can be popped. Make sure you use something sterilized to release the infection with.

    Also, apply Clearasil or any acne medication that contains a high degree of benzoyl peroxide. It will dry up the pimple, kill the bacteria and reduce swelling and redness. The higher the % the better.
    just something that helps is: filling a bowl with very hot water [be carful] and then putting a towel over it [to stop heat escaping], the put your head over the bowl and under the towel, you will proababley need to remove your head from it every now and then if it is really hot but generally try and keep the steam from the water going into your face. This helps to open pours!! try it every night before saturday!! they dont go completly but, it does help!! xx
    pop it
    Just skip this Saturday and when you don't show up be like Ohhh I thought it was NEXT Saturday :)
    Aspirin contains Beta hydroxy acid which is a powerful defoliant ,so you can crush 1to 2 Aspirin tablets mix with a little water and apply on pimples for 15 minutes and wash. More such solutions at

    What is the diffrence between acne zit and pimple?

    acne - An inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin that is marked by the eruption of pimples or pustules, especially on the face.

    zit - slang. A pimple.

    pimple - A small swelling of the skin, usually caused by acne; a papule or pustule.What is the diffrence between acne zit and pimple?
    Acne is a more serious medical condition. The so called Zits will whelp up and will scar your face. You see people with those little places that look like caves in their faces, that is scars from acne. A pimple is just that, a pimple. you only get those once in a while. If you are getting really big pimples-zits!, SEE YOUR DOCTOR!!!! You need to see what your doctor recommends before you try over the counter stuff. You may need prescriptions to clear up your skin. Please take the time to call and talk to a nurse. You can find a ';talk to a nurse service'; in your yellow pages of your phone book. Hope this helps!

    Ladybbug1What is the diffrence between acne zit and pimple?
    There isn't a difference.
    zits are bigger, and are infected.
    they're the same thing, sweetie (:
    If you鈥檙e looking for accurate acne information, best to see a dermatologist. Some people believe doctors are predisposed to take the easy way to deal with acne鈥?prescription drugs. But, with many, this simplistic answer may not be the appropriate course of action. Some feel that such prescription drugs just treat the symposium and not the underlying cause. But, a local dermatologist is still your best starting point.

    For me personally, I discovered a great informational acne treatment site. Not only is there good information/articles but I got their audio e-book and following it鈥檚 advice can now say that my acne is a thing of the past! Keep in mind, were all different and there are various types of acne, so what works for some may not be totally effective for all.

    Bottom line, hang in there, you will get past this! Sincere best wishes and good luck.

    Oh, by the way the site that helped me is:

    the main difference is how its spelled
    acne is inflammation of pores resulting most commonly in pimples and zits
    Maybe quanity of what is in it....Ugh!!!!!!!!
    i would say, if there had to be a difference, is that an acne zit is more like something one would get all the time while a pimple you just get every once in a while. acne is you have multiple blemishes.
    A couple of pimples is just pimples - but a large number of pimples clustered together that refuse to heal is considered acne.When you hit puberty, hormones in the body produce more oil, or sebum, in the skin. When this sebum builds up it will erupt into a pimple on the skin. Bacteria on the skin will cause infection and inflame the area creating more severe acne.............VINEGAR EQUALIZES THE PROSITY OF SKIN MAKE SOLUTION OF TEN TABLESPOONS OF WATER 1 VINGEGAR(ANY KIND) SPRAY ON FACE IN MORNING.wITH SPRAY BOTTLE)SPRAY ON FACE AFTERNOONS PAY DRY AFTER SPRAYING BETTER THAN A DERMATOLOGIST SAVES LOTS OF $$$$$$$$$
    Zit is a slang term for a pimple. If you lived in England you would call it a spot.
    Different words for the same thing.
    Same thing different titles
    The amount of puss that comes out of it when squezed.
    I have always thought that pimple sounded better than zit, but other than that, nothing.

    How can i get rid of pimples/acne fast?

    How can i get rid of pimples/acne fast?

    I use a lot of nuetragena products and i wash my face everyday. I recently have been getting a lot of acne than in the past few weeks. I have been using a lot of products and nothing has happened. I am not on my period and not close to having it yet. I have a pimple coming and i was wondering how i can make it disappear without popping it? any acne sollutions?How can i get rid of pimples/acne fast?
    I know this sounds crazy but use Head %26amp; Shoulders classic clean Shampoo.

    It worked on me!

    I had suffered from acne since I was 11 going on 12 (i'm 12 going on 13 now) and i read a blog online鈥?/a> about using head and shoulders shampoo for acne and was confused. why use a hair product for acne? i found out the one of the acids in head and shoulders help get rid of pimples. but since my dad had head and shoulders, i used his and after the use, my face felt smoother and it felt like my pimples had gotten smaller. After using this for a week, most of my acne was gone! just a few small zits that blended in with my skin. now i use clearasil ultra to get that soft smooth look. thanks to head and shoulders, most of acne has gone away!How can i get rid of pimples/acne fast?
    Acne can be embarrassing at the best of times. I would try going into a site called and find out what users are saying about various products. Good hygene which involves regular bathing helps a lot. Good internal health is a major contributor to healthy skin. Consider going to see a wholistic health professional, they have some great supplements. Try and stay away from the junk foods. I've heard that there is an electronic zit zapper that works really well and does a fast job apparently, although I haven't tried it myself. I鈥檝e also had good luck with a product called Acnezine. Below are a couple of articles I found you might find helpful. All the best!
    I used to have horrible acne I can't even tell you how bad it was. I found www.StopMyAcne.Info and bought it it seriously cured my acne.

    Like seriouslyits gone . I don't even have one pimple

    After using this I can't believe it's only cheap and after you use it you won't either hahaThe trips I took to the dermatologist cost me WAY more than that lol and the CRAP they gave me just made my acne worse~!!!!! uhggg... lol

    Oh and it also guarantees it will cure your acne in 3 days or your money back.

    Anyway I hope this helps!

    Diana xxx
  • chapped lips
  • How do you get rid of pimples once and forever?

    I have this pimple problem where I use these creams to stop them, they work, but pimples still manage to appear on the spots that I miss. How do I stop this?How do you get rid of pimples once and forever?
    Try this simple remedy. Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the pimples like soap. The secret of keeping the skin clear is to keep it oil-free and clean. More such solutions at do you get rid of pimples once and forever?
    Im sorry dear but this is a part of life. You can never get rid of pimples. Everyone has them and everyone willl always have them. Try washing your face frequently and before you put on the medicine. Everyone will get pimples once they hit puberty unless they have no oil glans wich would be extremly rare. Even if you do get rid of it for a while it will come back. Though the midcince you are using might be to strong and could be the reason why you are breaking out. Proactive is too strong for me and i always break out from it.
    Hey, I understand your frustration!

    I bought numerous anti-pimple/acne products but it doesn't help at all! I wasted like hundreds over dollars and have no results.

    The most frustrating part is.. you think your face is about to be pimple/acne-free and you realize a new one is coming! ARGH!

    I used to be in your shoes so I really understand how you feel. Now my skin is perfect and beautiful!

    There's a book that helped me a lot - it clears pimple/acne myths and teaches you the real cure! It only took 2-3 days for my acne/pimples condition to improve significantly! This book has been the most talked about among determologists. Learn more about the book here:
    actually im not sure mabee go over ur face a few times?

    How can i get rid of pimples fast without buying expensive lotions? how can i keep my face clear and clean?

    No matter wat i do, or how many times i clean my face, pimples keep comin, the little creeps wont give up.please help.How can i get rid of pimples fast without buying expensive lotions? how can i keep my face clear and clean?
    CLEARASIL ITS NOT EXPENSIVE AT AT LIKE 5 DOLLARS AND IT REALLY CLEARS UP YOUR FACE YOU WILL SEE RESULTS IN A COUPLE OF DAYSHow can i get rid of pimples fast without buying expensive lotions? how can i keep my face clear and clean?
    Noxzema is a really good lotion and you can getit at CVS or Walgreens for a very low price. And if that doesn't work try: The Xeno ';Pimple Zapper'; (XD), Neutragena Daily Facial Wash, or any kind of astringent that will clear pores out. Drink lots of water and try to avoid junky foods like chips and lots of candy.
    Sudocrem!!! sounds weird but a friend recommended it to me once and i have never looked back! its about 拢5 for a massive tub which has lasted me about a year with half a tub still left. It gets rid of pimples like in 2 days and if you catch one before it gets bad they often dont even come up. Dont clean your face any more or any less than twice a day, or it will produce more oil and make spots worse. Try using a face wash for normal or combination skin rather than a harsh one that fights spots, because they aggravate your skin and can make it worse. Hold your head over a bowl of boiling water with a towel over your head for 10 minutes, then apply a face mask, do this once a week.
    Vanessa B

    Let me tell you something not many people know,

    When you try to wash the oil off your wash using soap or

    any store brought product what happends is it sucks up alot of the natural oils

    out of your skin, and what happends when that occurs? your

    skin goes into over time trying to reblimish the lost oil

    and doubles the amount, your pores open up more to get more of the oil out and air in so let me help you

    Ah ok well my mother had the same problem as you,

    and let me tell you what she did to make it stop,

    this is a home treatment of course, the only thing

    you may need to buy is a lemon if you dont already have some in the fridge,

    what you want to do is get some lemon and squeez that

    sucker into a tiny bit of honey, and mix that all together, put that

    into the area where you want treated and wait 5-10 mins and than wash off,

    the lemon works great as a toner and as we all know toners are

    great for tighthing the skin and even better for your pores to look

    smaller, the honey helps as an evener, it will even out the uneven

    skin tone and also sooths the skin,This teachique not only destorys the pimples you already

    have but it also helps prevent them from coming up again,Drinking alot of water

    every day also helps alot :) Well I hope this helps %26lt;3 good luck

    -- Love Vanessa
    If you don't want to buy alot of creams and lotions, try keeping your face really clean. Wash it several times a day. This will keep all the oil and dirt from your pores. A good tip for face washing is to wash with soap and warm water then rinse with cold. This closes up your pores.

    You could also try a few home remedies that are pretty cheap.

    Once a week, put on an oatmeal mask. This is really good for your skin and is supposed to draw out all the bad stuff.

    Also, if you have really oily skin, dust your face lightly with cornstarch (pure cornstarch babypowder). It soaks up the oil on your face and keeps you from grinding it into your pillow and pores.

    Hoppe this helps a little.
    First off wash your face only twice a day and not more than that as that will strip your skin of it's Ph levels and it will cause more oil and breakouts.

    Wash your face with a benzoyl peroxide or salaycic acid to clear and heal existing blemished and prevent future breakouts. A good cleanser is PanOyxl 5% Wash which contains medicinal benzoyl prescription and trust me it will work cause I've used it.

    Second, moisturize your face with Aveeno Clear Complexion Moisturizer as that containst 0.05% Salaycic Acid to clear redness and keep bacteria away plus it's a moisturizer all in one which is good for your skin.

    And last, if your going outside use Sunscreen of at least Spf15 or higher depending on were you live.

    What are some tips for making pimples less red?

    Does anyone know and fast, simple, homemade solutions for toning down the redness?What are some tips for making pimples less red?
    Toothpaste on the spot will take it down in a couple of hoursWhat are some tips for making pimples less red?
    preparation H (seriously!)
    the only way is to prevent them. Things containing lots of sugar and fat circulate throughout the skin, which has to exit the body. Then your pores are getting clogged with oil from fatty foods, leaving redness form the swelling the blackheads cause. Cut down on the peanut buster parfaits, cheese, and even milk, as these are few things can cause severe acne and other unpleasant skin conditions. When I was a teenager I discovered these things eating double doozies, big bloc hersheys and coca-cola.

    How can i get rid of pimples, acne, zits?

    I want to get rid of them in a household way homeade way. I dont need to go to the doctor, doctors are for the sick, im not sick i just have pimples.How can i get rid of pimples, acne, zits?
    Accutane is the best product by farHow can i get rid of pimples, acne, zits?
    Apply a paste made of nutmeg powder and raw milk on acne or pimples and wash it off after 20 minutes. Do it for about 10-15 days to see the difference. More such solutions at
    Hi, there are actually alot of different ways to clear up your acne around the house. I just finished writing a few articles on natural ways to clear up your acne without having to go to the doctor or buying any ';online miracle cures.'; I hope this helps. There are a variety of ways you can make your own acne products from products found in your kitchen too.鈥?/a>
    All you have to do is dab each pimple with a little rubbing alcohol using a q-tip. The pimples dry up and go away in a few days. (Mine went away in a weekend!) I hope this helped!
    Drink water is one good way to help.
    I've been in that situation and there is really nothing you can do about it. There are things you can do to try to reduce the blemishes and get rid of acne/pimples temporarily but you will always be finding yourself cleaning your face or your body depending on where it's at.

    I mean of course your acne should go away eventually but for some this is the case their whole life.

    I'm 29 years old and have been suffering from these little pests since I was a teenager. I tried all sorts of face washes from the local grocery store and what not, but nothing seemed to work. If anything it would just make my skin dry and itchy.

    Literally the best acne face wash I've ever used has been this stuff called clearpores. It has got rid of the acne to quickest and has been a success ever since I got it. It's unique cause of it's herbal supplement you take a long with it that helps your skin from the inside out. I saved money on it at at the time which was helpful.

    You should really look into this stuff and if you can to assure the best results, get the 3 month supply because if it doesn't work it will still save you butt on the return policy.

    Well good luck and best wishes.
    Take some sandal wood powder with turmeric powder and put few drops of milk or rose water (Just to make it a paste).Mix them all together well and apply it on your whole face and leave for 20-30

    minutes then wash your face with water. And if you have rose water then spray on your face.

    It would make wonders for you. Do it on daily basis and you will observe the results instantly.

    For more information about acne and treatment visit my blog thanks.

    Wash your face twice a day, drinks lots of water, and don't touch your face.
    Hey, I was wondering the same question a while ago, but I discovered a wonderful, natural remedy that really works!

    This is the miracle cure that works in just a week!

    The answer is Tea-Tree Oil. You might have heard about it before, it's a disinfectant that clears the skin and leaves you feeling fresh with a wonderful smell!

    However, some people report that it makes there acne WORSE. This is because they have not bought 100% Pure tea-tree and that can react with your skin. I suggest you buy a bottle of Eureka Tea Tree Oil, it's natural and works great for me!

    All you have to do is get an ear-bud, dip it in the bottle of tea-tree oil, then swab it over your pimples. Make sure it does not go in your eyes though!

    And YES it does sting and burn sometimes! But that is because the pimples are sensitive and that is the feeling of them getting cleaned. You feel much more refreshed afterwards, and after using it for a week or so you begin to notice changes, i.e Pimples are smaller and dryer, or even disappearing.

    Good luck! Make sure you get Eureka brand though, it's really the best (:

    Fastest way to get rid of pimples and zits?

    I have two pimples on my face and one zit in between the middle of my eyebrows. Is there anyway I can get them to go away before Thursday, March 27, 2008 or earlier?Fastest way to get rid of pimples and zits?
    Clean and Clear spot treatment. So good!

    Or if u have sensitive skin, Neutrogena Rapid Clear 8 hour spot treatment.

    Both work well. Maybe a acne face wash, as well?

    Tea Tree oil works okay, but not too great. :PFastest way to get rid of pimples and zits?
    Go to the Body shop or Walmart and buy Tea Tree Oil it zaps them fast.

    Walmart its in a bottle in vitamin section. The Body Shop has a lipstick like container for you to apply and keep in your purse!
    If you eliminate bad food and exercise your skin will clear up REALLY quick. At the same time use this soap, it works WONDERS. their Pure Soap.

    Try, Dr. Perricones Book: The Clear Skin Prescription

    I used the soap, the diet change, and followed the book, and I went from pretty bad face problems, to very clear and nice skin. It works! * I promise* :)
    ha ive had the same problem but i just went to the doctor on friday for it. u should use toothpaste at night while ur sleeping just a little on the zit and it will get less red and go down in size. also rinse ur face good do not use any acne soaps the dry out ur skin and toothpaste already is a little drying.
    You can crush 1to 2 Aspirin tablets mix with a little water and apply on pimples for 15 minutes and wash. More such solutions at
    benzoyl peroxide, salcyclic acid, something stronger if you can find it, if those don't work in time, cover them with makeup for the day/night
    mhmm apply baking soda water mix to it overnight and it should start to fade.

    Also if it has a white head, with clean hands/q-tips you can pop it then apply alcohol on it after. You should still do the baking soda thing, once the pimple seems gone, apply honey on it overnight to get rid of the redness.

    I had a whitehead got ride of it now it looks like a big red pimple what should I do?

    Apply some aloe vera gel, it helps soothe the skin and lessen the redness. You can also put some ice cube on the red mark, this helps to reduce inflammation.

    If you tried to extract a whitehead, and left a red mark, it means the whitehead was not ';mature'; enough to be extracted.
  • chapped lips
  • Home remedies to get rid of pimples and blackheads?

    What home remedies are there to get rid of blackheads and pimples? Also what could I do to clean out my pores and prevent new pimples, that is a home remedy also.Home remedies to get rid of pimples and blackheads?
    Orange peels,(if you dont want to do that yourself,theres an orange peel mask at the Body Shop),And theres one that uses dairy product so thats not vegan. . .

    I have this Indian thing called Chandan and you need this thing to make it but I dont think its available in America.Other than that I dont know many natural remedies.

    But the stuff at Clinique is good,and at the Body Shop the tea tree cream is good and theres also on the spot tea tree oil extract which is good.Basically using tea tree oil is good.And at the Body Shop they probably also have a tea tree face wash.And the stuff at the Body Shop is made from fruits and plants and its really good.Home remedies to get rid of pimples and blackheads?
    There are some home remedies that you can use to get rid of pimples such as these:

    鈥?Wash the face twice daily with a tea of calendula officinalis,

    鈥?Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice with 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples and wash it after 20 minutes with warm water. Repeat for two weeks,

    鈥?Use aloe vera juice on the pimples morning and night for as long as necessary (perhaps five months or longer).

    鈥?Make orange peel paste by grinding it in some water. Apply on and around pimples.

    鈥?Rub garlic on and around pimples.

    鈥?Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of pimples.

    鈥?Pulverize 1/3 cup uncooked oats and then add 录 cup of water. When it becomes the consistency of paste, apply on the pimples.

    鈥?Apply raw papaya on swelling pimples.

    鈥?Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for pimples.

    鈥?Mix lime juice and rose water in equal portions and then apply on affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with only water.

    鈥?Apply tomatoes pulp on pimples and kept up to 1 hour then wash.

    鈥?Make a past of one cucumber and a carrot, and then mix with 1/4 cup oatmeal cooked and 1/2 cup of milk. Wash it off after 15 minutes.

    鈥?Mix a teaspoonful of coriander juice with a pinch of turmeric powder. Apply to the face after thoroughly washing it, every night before retiring.

    Clean gently the skin once or twice daily with an antiseptic soap or a soap compounded of sulfur. This reduces the germ count and prevent new pimples.
    try this

    What is your favorite way to pop (or get rid of) those pesky pimples?

    I never know how to get rid of them in a safe and fast way? Any sujestions? What is your favorite solution?What is your favorite way to pop (or get rid of) those pesky pimples?
    DO NOT POP THEM!!! I use a wash well its kind of a wash and you get a cotton ball and put the wash on it and It tingles and feels really good and helps prevent and get rid of acne and pimples. I dont know really what its called but its in a small container and u open a lid. Its blue.What is your favorite way to pop (or get rid of) those pesky pimples?
    Well I always seem to pick on mine which sometimes just makes it worse lol. If you see the white part of it then I'd pop it and leave it at that. If its red but no white I'd suggest leaving it and putting something on it to clear it up. I heard putting toothpaste ( not the gel kind) on the red spot helps with redness.

    LOL Why is this in the Cleaning and Laundry section haha
    I am out of the pimple stage, luckily, but will tell you for a fact, Do Not Pop Pimples. It can leave scars on your face. I used to pop them and I have a lot of acne scars. Toothpaste is supposed to work. If not buy Clearisil or something like that. Wash your face, but be gentle. Do not pop or pick.
    In your laundry?

    My sujjestion would be to lather your face up every night in Clearisol acne soap. Let it cake in overnight, trying to sleep with your face up.

    Your face will be really dry and irritated in the morning because you're not supposed to use the soap like that.

    Anyway, you can easily wash it off and put on a fresh layer of aloe vera gel, which will resoothe your face back to normal. People will also comment on the shine and lustre of your face. They might also think you have a problem, but just ignore that part.

    Eat lots of non-oily foods, like crackers and fruit.

    Drink lots of cleansing drinks, like bran smoothies, licorice tea, and other diet teas.

    Good luck!

    What are some good home remedies to help get rid of zits and pimples?

    My cousin has been complaining to me about her having bad acne and all that she has tried Proactive and it doesn't work. Is there anything else you can use that will help with this.Please let me know as soon as possible. ThanksWhat are some good home remedies to help get rid of zits and pimples?
    sunshine works wonders.

    i got a topical thing that was completely brootal. it made my skin peal of but in moderation it helped clear it up. plus she should give stuff time to work. there arent really alot of home things to do (ive had an on and off complexion for almost 7 years). ive found that the clinique regular facial cleansing routine did alot of good but you really have to stay on top of it.

    good luck

    oh and tell her not to touch her face alot and keep it really clean. and not to put any coverup on thats 1)unmedicated and 2)not to put it on with her fingers. theyre way oily and gross and shiz.What are some good home remedies to help get rid of zits and pimples?
    I've been in that situation and there is really nothing you can do about it. There are things you can do to try to reduce the blemishes and get rid of acne/pimples temporarily but you will always be finding yourself cleaning your face or your body depending on where it's at.

    I mean of course your acne should go away eventually but for some this is the case their whole life.

    I'm 29 years old and have been suffering from these little pests since I was a teenager. I tried all sorts of face washes from the local grocery store and what not, but nothing seemed to work. If anything it would just make my skin dry and itchy.

    Literally the best acne face wash I've ever used has been this stuff called clearpores. It has got rid of the acne to quickest and has been a success ever since I got it. It's unique cause of it's herbal supplement you take a long with it that helps your skin from the inside out. I saved money on it at at the time which was helpful.

    You should really look into this stuff and if you can to assure the best results, get the 3 month supply because if it doesn't work it will still save you butt on the return policy.

    Well good luck and best wishes.
    1) Tea tree oil, antibacterial/fungal oil that can fix almost any skin problem. Just add a few drops to each one and give it 1 night or two.

    2)Obviously wash you face and keep it clean, don't pick because it will cause scars.

    3)epsom salts. make a warm bath filled with 1 cup of epsom salt soak in it for as long as you can(45 minutes +). Epsom salts will actually draw the oil out of your pours(longer you soak the better). Then I recommend having a quick shower to rince of the oils that you removed and apply tea tee oil as well.

    Do these three things and I couldn't see the acne lasting very long at all, maybe a week if its sever.

    Good luck
    Apply a paste made of nutmeg powder and raw milk on acne or pimples and wash it off after 20 minutes. Do it for about 10-15 days to see the difference. More such solutions at
    something that heard works really well is toothpaste, or tea bags after they have been used.

    another thing that may help is using ance care products from the store in most stores there is a whole isle for that kind of stuff
    tea tree oil works wonderfully for me.

    you can get it at GNC
    lemon juice and tea tree use them both daily
    What is Accutane and how does it work?

    Accutane (also known as Isotretinoin), or Roaccutane as is also known in parts of the world, was discovered in 1979 when it was first given to patients with severe acne, most of whom reacted with dramatic and permanent clearing of their acne symptoms. It is a vitamin A derivative (13-cis-retinoic acid) which is administered orally in pill form, normally for 15-20 weeks (3.5-4.5 months). It was originally prescribed for people with severe acne that did not respond to other treatments, but has gained in popularity in the past 25 years and is prescribed more and more frequently for less severe acne. Accutane is a serious medication which must be taken under close doctor's supervision. Blood tests are required and side effects can be as devastating as they are widespread.

    Exactly how Accutane works on a cellular level is unknown, but we do know that it affects all of the four ways that acne develops.

    1. It dramatically reduces the size of the skin's oil glands (35%-58%) and even more dramatically reduces the amount of oil the skin produces (around 80%).

    2. Acne bacteria (P. Acnes) lives in skin oil. Since oil is so dramatically reduced, so is the amount of acne bacteria in the skin.

    3. It also slows down how fast the skin produces skin cells inside the pore which helps pores from becoming clogged in the first place.

    4. It displays anti-inflammatory properties.

    Although acne may get worse within the first month on a cycle of Accutane, the ultimate results are usually dramatic. Accutane works to achieve complete or partial clearance of acne in about 95% of people who complete a cycle, regardless of whether they have inflammatory or non-inflammatory acne. The majority of people who take it see their acne effectively cured, experiencing long term remission of acne symptoms. Studies show an average relapse rate of 25%, and in these cases sometimes a second course is given. This relapse rate is dose dependent. Patients who receive a cumulative dose of 100-120mg/kg see the best results and lowest relapse rates. Patients who receive a lower dose relapse more frequently. Depending on how much the patient weighs, .5mg - 2mg/kg is usually prescribed per day.

    Accutane need not be paired with other medications. For people who have problems handling Accutane, intermittent dosage is potentially an option and is being studied for effectiveness. Generic forms of Accutane may or may not be as therapeutic or safe. This is based on only one study which was performed in the UK in 2006. Out of the 14 generic brands studied, 13 failed to match Roaccutane (as it is called in the UK) in one or more tests and 11 failed in three or more tests. More studies like this one are needed to present better data on this subject.


    Akman A, et al. ';Treatment of acne vulgaris with intermittent and conventional isotretinoin: a randomized, controlled multicenter study.'; Archives of Dermatological Research. 2007 Dec; 299(10): 467-73.

    Al-Mutairi N., et al. ';Isotretinoin in acne vulgaris: a prospective analysis of 160 cases from Kuwait.'; Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 2005 May-Jun; 4(3): 369-73.

    Amichai B., Shemer A, Grunwald MH. ';Low-dose isotretinoin in the treatment of acne vulgaris.'; Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2006 Apr: 54(4): 644-6.

    Azoulay L, Oraichi D, Berard A. ';Isotretinoin therapy and the incidence of acne relapse: a nested case-control study.'; British Journal of Dermatology. 2007 Dec; 157(6): 1240-8.

    Chen K, et al. ';Oral isotretinoin: an analysis of its utilization in a managed care organization.'; Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy. 2002 Jul-Aug; 8(4): 272-7.

    Clearihan L. ';Acne. Myths and management issues.'; Australian Family Physician. 2001 Nov; 30(11): 1039-44.

    Coates P, et al. ';Efficacy of oral isotretinoin in the control of skin and nasal colonization by antibiotic-resistant propionibacteria in patients with acne.'; British Journal of Dermatology. 2005 Dec; 153(6): 1126-36.

    Dhir R, et al. ';Oral isotretinoin is as effective as a combination of oral isotretinoin and topical anti-acne agents in nodulocystic acne.'; Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. 2008 Mar-Apr; 74(2): 187.

    Dreno B, et al. ';An expert view on the treatment of acne with systemic antibiotics and/or oral isotretinoin in the light of the new European recommendations.'; European Journal of Dermatology. 2006 Sep-Oct; 16(5): 565-71.

    Ertam I, Alper S, Unal I. ';Is it necessary to have routine blood tests in patients treated with isotretinoin?'; The Journal of Dermatological Treatment. 2006: 17(4): 214-6.

    Ghaffarpour G, et al. ';Oral isotretinoin for acne, adjusting treatment according to patient's response.'; Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 2006 Oct; 5(9): 878-82.

    Ghalamkarpour F, Nasiri S. ';Isotretinoin in treatment of acne: its efficacy, side effects, and recurrence rate of disease.'; Archives of Iranian Medicine. 2006 Jul; 9(3):

    Hiding my pimple as much as possable in the next 2 hours....?

    its big and red! and tips on making it not so red and hiding it?Hiding my pimple as much as possable in the next 2 hours....?
    Before you apply your makeup, try to bring down the pimple first. This can be done by:

    - applying a cold ice cube to the area for 10 minutes to bring down the swelling.

    - afterwards, apply a drop of visine to the pimple to bring down the redness.

    *Once you have done both these steps, the pimple should be significantly smaller and less red, making it easier for you to cover it up.

    ***DO NOT POP THE PIMPLE** this will only increase inflammation and risk infection.

    The next thing to do after you have brought down the pimple is applying makeup. If you have foundation and concealer, please consider doing ths next step. It will significantly reduce the appearnce of the pimple. Here are some detailed instructions that can help you acheive a natural and non-fake application:

    *First apply your foundation. Make sure you apply it evenly all over your face and not just simply on your pimple as this will only highlight it and make it evfen more noticeable.

    *Next, apply a small amount of concealer on your ring finger (this finger has the lightest and most controlled touch) and lightly pat it on the pimple . Make sure that when you apply the concealer however, that you pat it on the area OUTSIDE the pimple as well, and not just on the zit itself. Continue to pat gently. If the pimple is still a bit red, repeat this step and continue to dab. Make sure you do not rub it in.

    *Afterwards, set the area with some loose powder. Just get a large fluffy brush and lightly sweep it across your whole face. This will prevent any of your concealer from being taken off.

    ***Some things to keep in mind:

    *Make sure your foundation matches your skiintone

    *Make sure that your concealer is only 1 shade lighter. If it is too light, the concealer will only highlight the pimple

    *Do not touch or pick at your pimple throughout the dayHiding my pimple as much as possable in the next 2 hours....?
    ice and dont mess with it 2 much or it will redden more and get bigger

    Always use a clean cotton ball or swab or cosmetic sponge-and not your finger-when applying any product to the area around a pimple. Using your finger might introduce germs that could lead to infection.

    Before you apply any product, put some toner on your pimple to dry up any excess oil.

    Once the toner is completely dry, dab concealer directly on top of your pimple. Consider using a medicated concealer (which will contain anti-blemish ingredients such as bentonite and salicylic acid).

    Allow the concealer to dry, and then blend the edges of the concealer with a cosmetic sponge or cotton swab. Alternatively you can use a makeup brush with a tiny dab of concealer on it to paint out the edges. The point here is to soften the edges and make them less obvious.

    Once the concealer is completely dry, use a powder brush to set it. Loose powder is preferable to pressed powder as you can just fluff some on top with a powder brush. You want to minimize the amount of contact you have with the pimple as contact will only irritate-and therefore redden-it further.

    If you apply foundation around the pimple, use a foundation with a yellow base, as yellow will reduce the redness. (The color green also counteracts red.)

    As tempting as it may be to try to make the pimple smaller by popping it, remember that popping a pimple is a temporary solution that can end up producing more permanent problems later (think pock marks!).

    or this:

    1. Use a concealor 鈥?This is just basically a skin toned base makeup that will mask pimples from even the most discerning eye by blending it into the natural color of you skin.

    2. Ice 鈥?Apply ice to the pimple a few times a day. This will reduce the swelling and make the pimple much less noticeable.

    3. Toothpaste 鈥?Many people claim that toothpaste applied to a pimple before they go to bed can reduce the swelling and make the pimple nearly disappear by the next morning.

    4. Drink water 鈥?Water lubricates and helps facilitate the removal of toxins from the body that may contribute to acne.

    5. Use pimple cream 鈥?There are many over-the-counter pimple creams on the market today. They contain benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid that have been shown to help get rid of pimples. Many of them come in flesh colored tones, which helps conceal the pimple at the same time.

    Getting rid of your pimples quickly is not always easy to do in a short amount of time. But with the tips given above you can hide your outbreak until your pimples disappear on their own.

    but visine also does the trick.
    dry it out with toothpaste
    dont put make-up on the pimple. itll block yur pores more. try to pop it and put some sea- breeze clean atringent onit. it will burn for a little but it drys out the inside. it makes it go away fast but not in two hours, sorry
    Put some Visine on a cotton swab and dab the pimple with it. That should help with the redness and a bit with the swelling. Do not pick at it! This will only make it worse. Cover with foundation - dab it on do not rub it.

    Hope this helps!

    Good luck!! :)
    ahh it seems as if pimples always come out in times you need a clear face! but, since you have two hours, try to make the best of it by

    1. washing your face with some sort of acne medicated face wash. Use warmer water so your pores will open up and the wash can work its magic!

    2. if it has formed a tip, like a white one, then pop it. If not, then don't. (After you pop the tip, hold something cold to that spot like an icecube wrapped in a towel or something for that will get rid of the redness of that spot. :-) that should work out nicely because the oil under the skin will be gone, no more irritation! and the skin will calm down within an hour.)

    3. let's say you could not pop the pimple because the oil did not rise to the surface, then you shouldn't try to pop it and instead, hold a warm compress to your face and wait for 20 minutes.

    4. Apply some acne medication and wait. Hopefully within 2 hours, it will have shrunk and your surrounding skin will look less irritated. The pimple will come back but later in the day.

    5. Put some concealer over your pimple and pat it in.

    Goodluck! and I hope your pimple doesn't stay for long!
    pop it. its gross, but it will get rid of it.

    if you dont want to, cover it with make up. but dont only apply it to that pimple. spread it out on your whole face.
    you can make a mask with 3 asprin and a drop of water on each, i heard it works reallyyyyyyyyy good but i dont know how long it takes. also try eye drops, it takes away the redness of the pimple, over night you can use white toothpaste(not the gel kind) or put some peroxide on your pimple, it will dry it outt

    just dont pop it, it will make the area around it red too if you really need to just dab a little bit of concealer, bronzer or foundation on it!! good luckkk

    I cant have a gf cause i have pimple and scars?

    its very annoying, i cant have self-confidence at all...and i just want to stay away from her. can u give me some adviceI cant have a gf cause i have pimple and scars?
    Don't worry. Girls aren't as shallow as us guys, but they worry about the pimples because they know we are shallowI cant have a gf cause i have pimple and scars?
    okay first of all not all girls are like that.. I have been with two guy that have ';pimples'; and yes i will admit that the ones one the corner of the lips are always the ones that freak me out.. its not about your pretty/unpretty little face. Its the person inside that We (girls) love.
    Try Proactiv

    It works for me!
    Go to a dermatologist also get some microdermabrasion done and you will see a big improvement... I did it because I have scars from acne and it has done wonders for me.
    i agree with you. i have pimples and scars and all the girls think im scary. maybe i can use that to an advantage tho
    you should try ACUTANE, it really helps with Acne and it even helps with scars. The drug has some side effects, but if acne is a real problem for you go see your dermatologist about it

    What cream would be perfect for pimples and zits?

    I'm 14 years old and my face is full of zits and pimples. I hate it. I'm planning on buying Proactive. Would it work? Can someone give me the phone number to buy it? What other creams would defenetly work for my face? :)What cream would be perfect for pimples and zits?
    Proactive works EXTREMELY well. You can get the proactive packages here:鈥?/a>What cream would be perfect for pimples and zits?
    Hai friends do you have pimples, acne, scars, oily skin on face, If yes don't worry. For this I got relief from one site, In that I got many tips and treatments method's regarding this and Iam normal now you can also look in to this. In this site there are many other links posted by google ads in which I got many use full information's for pimples and acne,oily skin and scar on face and skin care. So go look in this site and be used to it. This site is very very use full for teens and there problems.
  • good makeup
  • How do you get rid of pimples really fast?

    I have a pimple and its really bugging me, how do i make it go away?How do you get rid of pimples really fast?
    When I was young (maybe 18 years old), my whole face was covered with pimples. My Korean classmate told me to do this. Wash your face with soap (any kind of soap) like 6-7 times a day. E.g. 7am, 10am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm.

    All my pimples were gone in 2 weeks. It worked for me but I am not sure if it might work for you. All the best.

    Greetings from Singapore (a little island at the tip of Asia)How do you get rid of pimples really fast?
    try neutrogena or clean%26amp;clear.

    there both face washes to prevent pimples.
    The number one brand is Oxy..Works well you'll see fast results....Same with Neutragina and Proactive...They rock XD

    Is it safe to get your pimples pierced?

    I'm planning on covering up this big one on my cheek with a stud or two. Is that a health hazard?Is it safe to get your pimples pierced?

    haha.Is it safe to get your pimples pierced?
    Yes , yes it is safe but that's just very wierd. It'll hurt a heck of a lot though and i wouldn't pierce them unless they turn to a head first.
    Do you mean mole?

    Because that seems *slightly* more logical to get pierced than a pimple, but only slightly.

    Don't do it.
    ummm, i think thats just.... no. don't do it. Just get rid of the zit.
    what the hell kind of question is this...
    um i dont think that is advisable
    NO. just wait for it to disappear...hmm maybe like the rest of us.

    How can you get rid of a red pimple?

    i had a pimple, and last night i used this acne cream(not brand name) and it the pimple is kinda gone but its really red(it kinda looks like its a really red scab or scar), what should i do???

    and i have a lot of pimples on my forehead for a long time now, theyre not big but they are red and really noticeableHow can you get rid of a red pimple?
    visine really helpsHow can you get rid of a red pimple?
    Try toothpaste the night before but don't 4get 2 wash ur face the next morning. If all else fells than use concealer. Good Luck.
    I recommend the wave.

    Nothing was really working for me except that.

    Now I really never get pimples!

    How do i rid of 3 pimples on my forehead by school tomorrow?

    PLEASE! help me. i'm desperate and idk what to do. any easy remedy or whatever that would really really work.How do i rid of 3 pimples on my forehead by school tomorrow?
    neutrogena rapid 8 hour clear

    at target, pharmacys, CVS..How do i rid of 3 pimples on my forehead by school tomorrow?
    Wear toothpaste on it while you sleep, prooven to work.
    there is nothin u can do, they wont dissapear by tomorrow. juts use concealer to cover them
    toothpaste or if you have proactive.
    Things You'll Need

    * Ice

    * Soap

    * Acne Medication

    * Hot Compress

    * Oil-free Powder

    Step One

    Tempting as it is, don't try to pop the pimple by squeezing, pinching, or picking at it. This will just inflame the pore and spread the oils that caused the pimple.

    Step Two

    Apply ice to the area for 2 minutes every half hour. This will help shrink the pimple and possibly reduce it to an invisible size.

    Step Three

    Apply a flesh-tinted acne medication that contains benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or sulfur. Since these medications dry out the skin, apply only to the pimple area.

    Step Four

    If you'd like, use an oil-free powder to cover up the medicated area and reduce any shine.

    Step Five

    If the pimple is already coming to a head and it's too late to use the ice treatment, use heat. Wash the area with soap and water. Apply a hot, damp compress to the pimple for 60 seconds. This increases circulation and helps bring the pimple to a head. Remove the compress and apply gentle pressure to drain the pimple; do not squeeze. If the pimple does not drain, reapply heat and try again. Do not force the pimple to drain. Wash the area with soap and water after pimple drains
    Get bangs! =]
    rubbing alchol! it dries them out! If it doesn't help trublend really works. but get the pressed powder.
    Put a big band-aid on your forehead - tell everybody you ran into the wall.

    How do i rid of 3 pimples on my forehead by school tomorrow?

    PLEASE! help me. i'm desperate and idk what to do. any easy remedy or whatever that would really really work.How do i rid of 3 pimples on my forehead by school tomorrow?
    neutrogena rapid 8 hour clear

    at target, pharmacys, CVS..How do i rid of 3 pimples on my forehead by school tomorrow?
    Wear toothpaste on it while you sleep, prooven to work.
    there is nothin u can do, they wont dissapear by tomorrow. juts use concealer to cover them
    toothpaste or if you have proactive.
    Things You'll Need

    * Ice

    * Soap

    * Acne Medication

    * Hot Compress

    * Oil-free Powder

    Step One

    Tempting as it is, don't try to pop the pimple by squeezing, pinching, or picking at it. This will just inflame the pore and spread the oils that caused the pimple.

    Step Two

    Apply ice to the area for 2 minutes every half hour. This will help shrink the pimple and possibly reduce it to an invisible size.

    Step Three

    Apply a flesh-tinted acne medication that contains benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or sulfur. Since these medications dry out the skin, apply only to the pimple area.

    Step Four

    If you'd like, use an oil-free powder to cover up the medicated area and reduce any shine.

    Step Five

    If the pimple is already coming to a head and it's too late to use the ice treatment, use heat. Wash the area with soap and water. Apply a hot, damp compress to the pimple for 60 seconds. This increases circulation and helps bring the pimple to a head. Remove the compress and apply gentle pressure to drain the pimple; do not squeeze. If the pimple does not drain, reapply heat and try again. Do not force the pimple to drain. Wash the area with soap and water after pimple drains
    Get bangs! =]
    rubbing alchol! it dries them out! If it doesn't help trublend really works. but get the pressed powder.
    Put a big band-aid on your forehead - tell everybody you ran into the wall.