Monday, November 21, 2011

How can i get rid of pimples AND blackheads?

I hate blackheads and pimples hurt so much. I only want home remedies because everything else doesn't work, or it's too expensive. So ONLY home remedies for no pimples and no blackheads. Thanks!How can i get rid of pimples AND blackheads?
mix baking soda and salt with a little water to form a paste, gently scrub your face, leaving some of the paste on your face, then splash a little apple cider vinegar onto your face. The salt will gently exfolliate your face, the baking soda softens the effect of the salt drying out your skin too much and adding the vinegar will make the soda foam up lifting the blackheads out of your pores. Only do this about once a week as it can be harsh to your skin to do so more often. For a daily face scrub mix 1 cup oatmeal, 1 cup powdered milk and 1 tablespoon salt in a blender and blend until it is a fine powder, mix with a little water to form and paste and wash your face with this daily. You will like the results.How can i get rid of pimples AND blackheads?
Here are some of the easy remedies you can make:

鈥?Mix unboiled milk and ground nutmeg then apply on pimples. Leave for one or two hours.

鈥?Make a paste by mixing cinnamon powder and honey. Put this on pimples before you to bed and wash it off the next morning. Use warm water for rinsing.

鈥?Create an anti-pimple mixture for normal skin by combining one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Do not use this if you have sensitive skin.

鈥?Grind a few pieces of orange peel in water. Apply this on face to dry out pimples.

鈥?Mix one tablespoon of lime juice with one tablespoon of groundnut oil. This mixture is effective in preventing blackheads.

鈥?If you have red and swelling pimples in your face, apply the juice of raw papaya on skin to lessen the swelling.

鈥?Mix rose water with sandalwood and apply on blackheads and pimples. Rinse it off after 20 to 30 minutes.
The aspirin mask my friend, works wonders.

Take a few uncoated aspirin and add only a tiny bit of water, you want a grainy feel to it, like a scrub. Then add a few drops of honey. You don't have it but it will make it smell better, plus honey is good for you. Rub it on your face - AVOID the areas under your eyes, you know the soft skin? That's really sensitive and this mask will hurt it.

Rub it in good, leave on for a few seconds then wash it off with warm water. i suggest you look up a few other home remedies or organic products you can use on your face.

EDIT - The person a few spots above me said eggs, yes they do work so does the yoke for that matter. You need to separate them though and do the egg white first, beat until foamy then rub on your face. As soon as it feels 'tight' wash it off. With the yoke you only need to use a little bit, put it on your face then it it feels 'tight' wash it off. I'm not sure how this works because I'm vegan and I refuse to use an egg on my face.

Also common sense tells you not to mess with you zits and blackheads. You might feel like popping them or squeezing them but don't. It'll leave a scar and make it worse.
For those big hurting pimples i do this:

1) I put a hot rag on it to bring it to the bacteria to the top %26amp; wash your face.

2) I put a spoon in the freezer for a little bit and put that on it ( i know it sounds wierd but it will lower the swelling just like a bruise)

for blackheads im not really sure cause you want hime remedies so i dont know.
well i know how you feel well i tried this product its called seba no more it works really good it works within a week its kinda hard to find but its under 7.00 and it really works on pimples and blackheads umm if u dont want ot go out and but anything try a face mask made out of milk honey and oatmeal i also tried that but it takes longer to work hope i helped:p
Calamine lotion - works for the white ones... not much you can do about blackheads but pop them (which some people will argue isn't the best idea)

If you're really acne prone make sure to wash your face twice a day and use an alcohol based astringent if your skin isn't too sensitive. Always use a moisturizer that's oil free and meant for your face (if you need it).
I heard that you can crack a few eggs and take JUST the egg whites and put that on ur face like a mask....ummm I also heard honey works really well too. To get blackheads you just have to get a hot towel and hold it to your face and the blackheads rise up and disappear.
If you want home remedies to fix this stuff, you'll be waiting a long time.

The only home remedy that has ever worked for me is Fresh squeezed lemon juice on the face, it works as a home salicylic acid on the face, just harsher.
Bite your nails so that they're crooked and rough. The next day in the shower wash your hand and finger nails and scrape off the blackheads! For acne don't use soaps and things, they just give you more later. Try cucumber mango paste, or a cocoa powder , flour, and water paste.
i read once that if you hold a warm wet cloth to your face it well help raise blackheads to the surface and help heal faster.. also if you have a long lasting mark from a pimple putting milk on is supposed to really help
WASH YOUR FACE EVERYDAY! it really help to keep your poors clean. and if you need to find a good face cream that suites your type of skin! good luck :)
ok honestly i use the equate acne wash in a pump bottle and its orange color and it works great and it no more than 2 maybe three bucks high balling it
i don't know go to
i'm not sure but avoid...

a lot of junk food

chocolate (i'm not sure if dark is ok)

and maybe salty foods
mix baking soda and water together till its a paste and then put it on infected areas
what about proactive?
home remedies? wtf?

just dont eat junk food..( low fat foods)

and take care of ur hygiene

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