Monday, November 21, 2011

Drying a pimple overnight?

I start school in four days, and I have a really noticeable pimple on the side of my nose. It shines and it really red.

It is at the perfect spot and the perfect angle where I can't pop it, and it isn't really a big lump, but is wide.

I want to use something to put on my pimple that will dry it over a night or two. What do you recommend(besides acne medication)?

Also, after it dries out, what should I do with it?Drying a pimple overnight?
The best thing to do is use plain old Neosporin or another kind of antibiotic cream. Pimples are infections and should be treated as such.

If it is very swollen, use hemorrhoid cream like Preparation H to shrink the tissues.

If it is very red, use Visine eyedrops to temporarily take the redness away.

But do not use alcohol or peroxide on it. That will burn the skin and make it worse.Drying a pimple overnight?
I know it sounds silly but toothpaste. Good luck.
plain white colgate toothpaste

dab a little bit on there and treat the pimple.

you'll feel it, believe me
crushed aspirin mixed with a little water will make the redness go away, crazy but it really does work
I've always been told that toothpaste or hemmroid cream will dry it out and take the red away. Good Luck!

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