Monday, November 21, 2011

Hiding my pimple as much as possable in the next 2 hours....?

its big and red! and tips on making it not so red and hiding it?Hiding my pimple as much as possable in the next 2 hours....?
Before you apply your makeup, try to bring down the pimple first. This can be done by:

- applying a cold ice cube to the area for 10 minutes to bring down the swelling.

- afterwards, apply a drop of visine to the pimple to bring down the redness.

*Once you have done both these steps, the pimple should be significantly smaller and less red, making it easier for you to cover it up.

***DO NOT POP THE PIMPLE** this will only increase inflammation and risk infection.

The next thing to do after you have brought down the pimple is applying makeup. If you have foundation and concealer, please consider doing ths next step. It will significantly reduce the appearnce of the pimple. Here are some detailed instructions that can help you acheive a natural and non-fake application:

*First apply your foundation. Make sure you apply it evenly all over your face and not just simply on your pimple as this will only highlight it and make it evfen more noticeable.

*Next, apply a small amount of concealer on your ring finger (this finger has the lightest and most controlled touch) and lightly pat it on the pimple . Make sure that when you apply the concealer however, that you pat it on the area OUTSIDE the pimple as well, and not just on the zit itself. Continue to pat gently. If the pimple is still a bit red, repeat this step and continue to dab. Make sure you do not rub it in.

*Afterwards, set the area with some loose powder. Just get a large fluffy brush and lightly sweep it across your whole face. This will prevent any of your concealer from being taken off.

***Some things to keep in mind:

*Make sure your foundation matches your skiintone

*Make sure that your concealer is only 1 shade lighter. If it is too light, the concealer will only highlight the pimple

*Do not touch or pick at your pimple throughout the dayHiding my pimple as much as possable in the next 2 hours....?
ice and dont mess with it 2 much or it will redden more and get bigger

Always use a clean cotton ball or swab or cosmetic sponge-and not your finger-when applying any product to the area around a pimple. Using your finger might introduce germs that could lead to infection.

Before you apply any product, put some toner on your pimple to dry up any excess oil.

Once the toner is completely dry, dab concealer directly on top of your pimple. Consider using a medicated concealer (which will contain anti-blemish ingredients such as bentonite and salicylic acid).

Allow the concealer to dry, and then blend the edges of the concealer with a cosmetic sponge or cotton swab. Alternatively you can use a makeup brush with a tiny dab of concealer on it to paint out the edges. The point here is to soften the edges and make them less obvious.

Once the concealer is completely dry, use a powder brush to set it. Loose powder is preferable to pressed powder as you can just fluff some on top with a powder brush. You want to minimize the amount of contact you have with the pimple as contact will only irritate-and therefore redden-it further.

If you apply foundation around the pimple, use a foundation with a yellow base, as yellow will reduce the redness. (The color green also counteracts red.)

As tempting as it may be to try to make the pimple smaller by popping it, remember that popping a pimple is a temporary solution that can end up producing more permanent problems later (think pock marks!).

or this:

1. Use a concealor 鈥?This is just basically a skin toned base makeup that will mask pimples from even the most discerning eye by blending it into the natural color of you skin.

2. Ice 鈥?Apply ice to the pimple a few times a day. This will reduce the swelling and make the pimple much less noticeable.

3. Toothpaste 鈥?Many people claim that toothpaste applied to a pimple before they go to bed can reduce the swelling and make the pimple nearly disappear by the next morning.

4. Drink water 鈥?Water lubricates and helps facilitate the removal of toxins from the body that may contribute to acne.

5. Use pimple cream 鈥?There are many over-the-counter pimple creams on the market today. They contain benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid that have been shown to help get rid of pimples. Many of them come in flesh colored tones, which helps conceal the pimple at the same time.

Getting rid of your pimples quickly is not always easy to do in a short amount of time. But with the tips given above you can hide your outbreak until your pimples disappear on their own.

but visine also does the trick.
dry it out with toothpaste
dont put make-up on the pimple. itll block yur pores more. try to pop it and put some sea- breeze clean atringent onit. it will burn for a little but it drys out the inside. it makes it go away fast but not in two hours, sorry
Put some Visine on a cotton swab and dab the pimple with it. That should help with the redness and a bit with the swelling. Do not pick at it! This will only make it worse. Cover with foundation - dab it on do not rub it.

Hope this helps!

Good luck!! :)
ahh it seems as if pimples always come out in times you need a clear face! but, since you have two hours, try to make the best of it by

1. washing your face with some sort of acne medicated face wash. Use warmer water so your pores will open up and the wash can work its magic!

2. if it has formed a tip, like a white one, then pop it. If not, then don't. (After you pop the tip, hold something cold to that spot like an icecube wrapped in a towel or something for that will get rid of the redness of that spot. :-) that should work out nicely because the oil under the skin will be gone, no more irritation! and the skin will calm down within an hour.)

3. let's say you could not pop the pimple because the oil did not rise to the surface, then you shouldn't try to pop it and instead, hold a warm compress to your face and wait for 20 minutes.

4. Apply some acne medication and wait. Hopefully within 2 hours, it will have shrunk and your surrounding skin will look less irritated. The pimple will come back but later in the day.

5. Put some concealer over your pimple and pat it in.

Goodluck! and I hope your pimple doesn't stay for long!
pop it. its gross, but it will get rid of it.

if you dont want to, cover it with make up. but dont only apply it to that pimple. spread it out on your whole face.
you can make a mask with 3 asprin and a drop of water on each, i heard it works reallyyyyyyyyy good but i dont know how long it takes. also try eye drops, it takes away the redness of the pimple, over night you can use white toothpaste(not the gel kind) or put some peroxide on your pimple, it will dry it outt

just dont pop it, it will make the area around it red too if you really need to just dab a little bit of concealer, bronzer or foundation on it!! good luckkk

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