Saturday, July 24, 2010

What is the best skincare range to get rid of pimples?

At the moment, i am using Clinique 3 step, i love it but my pimples are still there. i dont want to use anything that dries out my skin.What is the best skincare range to get rid of pimples?
I also tried different products in the market, Proactive worked on me and cleared my acne but my skin gets dark easily, even with a sunscreen because I live in a tropical country. Based on my experience, a person's skin reacts differently from another persons, to some people it requires at least a month for a product to react. I even went to a dermatologist and the products that he prescribed me is too harsh for me. Right now I'm using Mary Kay products, available through direct selling (in our country) and at the Internet. The range that the beauty consultant suggested is for normal to combination skin which works perfectly for me now. I'm surprised that it does because I usually buy set for oily skin, which resulted to premature lines on my forehead which is not good at my age. I think It's the 2% salysalic acid toner that she added on the set that kills acne, while the rest of the products are for normal skin.What is the best skincare range to get rid of pimples?
find dermatologist and ask what best skincare can get rid off your pimples.
No matter what products you used if you don't monitor your food intake it's useless. And you have to consider other factors too. Like if it's in your genes to have so many pimples. Another things is your food intake. If you eat food that is too salty or too oily or any food that causes pimples, then using products that removes pimples is useless. Plus you have to monitor also your sleeping habits. Sleeping too late and not getting enough sleep could also cause pimples. So, see to it that you have balance. Which means, when you used beauty products you have to be cautious also about your health.
i dont have any after using proactive solution :)

gets rid of small too big groups of acne, black heads, white heads %26amp; makes skin smoother :)

try it buubb : )
going to a dermatologist is such a good idea! i used to get really bad acne and i went and saw my dermatologist who gave me a perscription, i also eat healthily and drink plenty of water, i find neutrogena a really good face wash too!

a good moisturiser is the dermaveen range, they are more pharmacy based (i.e. less commercial than some of the others) and not at all oily!
I used to use Clearasil and it worked well for me.
PROACTIVE!! the 3 step system.

ONLY works if you are committed %26amp; use it religiously~ which is not hard if your serious about cleaning up your skin...

best thing i ever did %26amp; i have sensitive combination skin.

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