I've heard that you can use toothpaste to get rid of your pimples, but I'm not sure what kind of toothpaste is the best to use. Oh and can someone tell me if there are any important steps for using it or not?What is the best toothpaste for getting rid of pimples?
Crest toothpaste works very well- make sure it says paste on it, not gel though, otherwise it won't work. Just wash your face and moisturize like you normallly would, then put a dab on each of your pimples. Leave it on overnight, but don't be mad if they're not gone in the morning-pimples take time to go away! Just keep doing that every night, and you should see them gone after about a week!
Any other questions on acne or skin care, please email me @ sydneycgirl@yahoo.comWhat is the best toothpaste for getting rid of pimples?
I've heard that the toothpastes that are high in fluoride are best, but I'm not sure about that. Nothing special to do, just glob it on your zit. It never really worked for me, I found that the sulfur mask stuff by Proactiv is best for that kind of stuff.
You got it wrong;it's tomato paste not tooth paste.Right? Really....dunno;but it sounds like an old wives tale.Anyway,try some Tea Tree Oil mixed with rubbing alcohol and dab it on with a cotton ball.Keep it out of your eyes,nose,and mouth.
Toothpaste is crap.
If you want to get rid of your pimples, use Benzoyl Peroxide, available at walgreens and most drugstores. A dab of that and you're in the clear.
Toothpaste doesn't really work.
If you really want to get rid of one--Use Murad. It's the only product that's really worked. It's like $17 for the spot treatment tube (which lasts for a while!) at Sephora.
You can use any white paste make sure it is the paste not the gel. Any brand should do. More such solutions at http://solutionsforpimples.blogspot.com/
I would go with pimple cream I mean that is all they are paid to do is invent creams to cure pimples and they seem to work on most people
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