Thursday, July 22, 2010

I just looked at my leg today and found these pimple like things on my leg?

anyone know what it is or if it need some kind of medication/product on it?I just looked at my leg today and found these pimple like things on my leg?
winter itch due to dry skin use lots of cream for dry skinI just looked at my leg today and found these pimple like things on my leg?
Could be pimples, skin rash or boils.

You may need to see a doctor if they do not clear up in a few days or if it gets worse.
Mebbe a rash from shaving.
explane more

are they pimples cause they have puss inside or are they just bumps or do they itch?
It may jsut be an allergic reaction to something like detergent. they may not itch, but if you try to pop them it hurts extremely bad and only water will come out. Try changing detergents to prevent further occurrances. You may want to take a Benedryl to clear it up (make sure you do this at bedtime, because it will make you drowsy).
do you have cottage cheese thighs?
Ingrown hairs. Try tendskin.
Dont worry bout it. Pretty much everyone gets them. I have them. There are lotions and washes that can help them, just look for some at a drugstore in the lotion or facial wash sections. Peace out. Lataz. Luv/Kodi

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