It has a head on it but I can't pop it myself. Just wanting to know if anyone else had experience with this.Very large pimple on my rectum, about the size of a quarter. Any idea what is is?
whoa that's large. i usually ignore those things when i get them, they just eventually go away. maybe in a few days you can pop it... good luck with that.Very large pimple on my rectum, about the size of a quarter. Any idea what is is?
consult a doctor
Seriously. Thats a boil. It will get filled with fluid, swell up (sometimes painfully) and eventually burst or leak out blood and boil-goo. You need to wash it with soap and hot water everytime (everytime) you take a sh*t. You could find a doctor to lance it for you, but that might cost money. You could lance it yourself, but that will hurt and might cause infection. Doctors have pain-killers...If you wash it everytime you dooky, it should eventually shrink away. Worked for me. But then you stop washing and they come back like four months later. Its a 'little friend' that might never leave you. You might consider naming it. Like 'Larry'. And you could say things like, 'Larry just blew another load in my pants'. People would understand what you really mean.
That is kinda big, don't pop it silly!
You can get an infection!
See your doc!
I'd be very worried if you could see a pimple on your own rectum, since a rectum is internal - maybe you mean on your anus?
And do you really need to ask what you should do? I know it's embarrassing asking a doctor, but they spend all day every day looking up people's bottoms, there's nothing they haven't seen before!
it's called an absess. If it is really bothering you go to your doctor. You may need to have an I%26amp;D which is where they open it up and drain it properly to prevent an infection. DO NOT pop it yourself, you could easily get a staph infection which = BAD
By the way ';trouble'; people don;t just get MRSA out of nowhere, there is no need to scare them into thinking that they are going to die from an absess that may be nothing. It would take a long time and wide spread infection to do that kind of damage.
It sounds like a boil, go to a doctor.
you need to go to the doctor. if it is just a boil he will lance it for you and give you some antibiotic cream. if it is something else he will let you know what to do. good luck sweetie
I think it's off to the doctor for you!
Perhaps don't try to pop it until you know what it is - it sounds like a boil, but you never really can tell just from a description. And you don't want to pop it, just incase it becomes infected, because then you'll have a larger lump on your bum! So yeah, see you're doctor, he/she can confirm what it is and the best treatment for it!
Please consult a health care professional immediately. It may be M.R.S.A. M.R.S.A. is an antibodic resistant staph infection that is very contagious and can lead to multiple out breaks and even death if not treated.
waste no time vist a dr
Go see a specialist and find out what it is. It's not the right place for this kind of question, is it?
could be herpes simplex. should see doctor! if it isn't painful at all, get to a doctor right away, could be a nasssty sexually transmitted disease.
wow. thats kinda big. the first thing i thought of was when u can see peoples underwear line through their pants. people can probably see your little friend.
i say see a doctor or just pop it. but make sure you keep the area sterile. you dont want that to spread.
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