Monday, November 21, 2011

How do i rid of 3 pimples on my forehead by school tomorrow?

PLEASE! help me. i'm desperate and idk what to do. any easy remedy or whatever that would really really work.How do i rid of 3 pimples on my forehead by school tomorrow?
neutrogena rapid 8 hour clear

at target, pharmacys, CVS..How do i rid of 3 pimples on my forehead by school tomorrow?
Wear toothpaste on it while you sleep, prooven to work.
there is nothin u can do, they wont dissapear by tomorrow. juts use concealer to cover them
toothpaste or if you have proactive.
Things You'll Need

* Ice

* Soap

* Acne Medication

* Hot Compress

* Oil-free Powder

Step One

Tempting as it is, don't try to pop the pimple by squeezing, pinching, or picking at it. This will just inflame the pore and spread the oils that caused the pimple.

Step Two

Apply ice to the area for 2 minutes every half hour. This will help shrink the pimple and possibly reduce it to an invisible size.

Step Three

Apply a flesh-tinted acne medication that contains benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or sulfur. Since these medications dry out the skin, apply only to the pimple area.

Step Four

If you'd like, use an oil-free powder to cover up the medicated area and reduce any shine.

Step Five

If the pimple is already coming to a head and it's too late to use the ice treatment, use heat. Wash the area with soap and water. Apply a hot, damp compress to the pimple for 60 seconds. This increases circulation and helps bring the pimple to a head. Remove the compress and apply gentle pressure to drain the pimple; do not squeeze. If the pimple does not drain, reapply heat and try again. Do not force the pimple to drain. Wash the area with soap and water after pimple drains
Get bangs! =]
rubbing alchol! it dries them out! If it doesn't help trublend really works. but get the pressed powder.
Put a big band-aid on your forehead - tell everybody you ran into the wall.

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